Meet the Team
The FBF team is a passionate group dedicated to advocacy, fostering systemic change, building community partnerships, and serving all Black communities. They are committed to creating strong, inclusive spaces where Black youth and the wider Black community feel a true sense of belonging.
FBF Team
Girls & Women’s Projects Lead
Community Engagement Lead
Community Engagement Coordinator
Social Issues Researcher
FBF Interns
Social Media Coordinator
FBF Founder

Dr. Tapo Chimbganda
Founding Executive Director
In 2019, I founded Future Black Female. The reason? My journey to “Dr Tapo” has been one of struggle and strength. I can recount many stories and situations where navigating a harsh and abrasive system left me bruised as a Black woman in Canada. In most of those situations, I had to find the strength within myself so I could get to where I needed to be.
Future Black Female recognizes that Black women are tenacious and strong, not because it is in our nature, but because we often have no choice. We often have to fight against systems of abuse, misogyny, exclusion, and much more. We craft our own solutions to the problems put upon us, for our children, our partners, and ourselves. Unfortunately, like many who fight battles over and over, by the time we get to that point in our journey where we should be savouring our successes, many of us are exhausted, burnt out, and experiencing mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Such daily struggles affect our relationships, our careers, and our capacity for happiness.
As a community and support system, Future Black Female aims to increase and maintain the capacity for happiness in each girl and woman we encounter. We will be there to educate, advocate, motivate and celebrate the journey starting in their adolescent years. We offer this privilege to Black girls and women.